Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

How to Get Visitors from the U.S. (United States)

Well folks, the first writings pertaining to the world of blogging's is about how to get traffic or visitors from the Americas, or any other premium countries such as Canada, and other European countries.

Quite simple simple alias you know. Oiya, before I assert here that the traffic comes from search engines you know. If the ad mah emang easy, just advertise on the site berpengunjung ajah of the U.S., Canada, and others .. Importantly siapin wrote his capital to pay for advertising. :-)

How do our blogs to be visited by Americans? Look, I love deh first clue.
- Your post about Video Jojo and Shinta snail poison, whether to a lot of people are looking Amrik about that topic?
- You may also post about Ariel and Luna Maya, whether Americans are it will be many who are looking for?
- Your post about Indonesian Idol, is also a lot of Americans are looking for this info?

I am sure, although there are, but only slightly, and even then most people in Indonesia who live in sonoh ..

Although it was written in English, I'm sure would be futile to expect visitors from the U.S..

So, basically, if you want to get a visitor from America who came from search engines, blogs or websites then you should discuss the information that is happening in America, and must be written in Bahasa. How do I know something ngetrend in America? Easy enough just to know if any house, open ajah http://www.google.com/trends. There will be seen what keywords are again hot on the sono.

But, if you use ituh way, so be prepared to compete with the masters. Because the use it is the master and usually use autoblog plugin, so they automatically create a blog post by using keywords that were there .. hehehe ... Want to compete?

So, if you are diligent to read and read the article Classic. Better often go to news sites was the United States, including New York Times, etc.. Indonesia reply in his house like Kompas.com, Detik.com, okezone.com and others. Once familiar with the culture, information, and daily news on the U.S., then with reference to the article on the site, you can make your own homemade article, or a few edits's you ..

Hopefully you got the idea after reading this article ..

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