Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

How to Get Visitors from the U.S. (United States)

Well folks, the first writings pertaining to the world of blogging's is about how to get traffic or visitors from the Americas, or any other premium countries such as Canada, and other European countries.

Quite simple simple alias you know. Oiya, before I assert here that the traffic comes from search engines you know. If the ad mah emang easy, just advertise on the site berpengunjung ajah of the U.S., Canada, and others .. Importantly siapin wrote his capital to pay for advertising. :-)

How do our blogs to be visited by Americans? Look, I love deh first clue.
- Your post about Video Jojo and Shinta snail poison, whether to a lot of people are looking Amrik about that topic?
- You may also post about Ariel and Luna Maya, whether Americans are it will be many who are looking for?
- Your post about Indonesian Idol, is also a lot of Americans are looking for this info?

I am sure, although there are, but only slightly, and even then most people in Indonesia who live in sonoh ..

Although it was written in English, I'm sure would be futile to expect visitors from the U.S..

So, basically, if you want to get a visitor from America who came from search engines, blogs or websites then you should discuss the information that is happening in America, and must be written in Bahasa. How do I know something ngetrend in America? Easy enough just to know if any house, open ajah http://www.google.com/trends. There will be seen what keywords are again hot on the sono.

But, if you use ituh way, so be prepared to compete with the masters. Because the use it is the master and usually use autoblog plugin, so they automatically create a blog post by using keywords that were there .. hehehe ... Want to compete?

So, if you are diligent to read and read the article Classic. Better often go to news sites was the United States, including New York Times, etc.. Indonesia reply in his house like Kompas.com, Detik.com, okezone.com and others. Once familiar with the culture, information, and daily news on the U.S., then with reference to the article on the site, you can make your own homemade article, or a few edits's you ..

Hopefully you got the idea after reading this article ..
READ MORE - How to Get Visitors from the U.S. (United States)

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

All I Have For You

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.
READ MORE - All I Have For You

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter

Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter ini merupakan besutan dari nebula-directory.com yang tentu saja memiliki fungsi untuk mengirimkan blog anda ke sekitar 200 free directory blog yang tanpa membutuhkan link balik dari blog anda. Lebih lanjut tentang free semi automatic directory submitter bisa anda lihat dibawah ini:

Fitur Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter
- Mengelola informasi website
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- Otomatis mengisi form yang diperlukan saat membuka halaman
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Directory Submitter Screenshot

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NET Framework 1.1

Cara Menggunakan:
Pastikan NET Framework 1.1 sudah terinstall di komputer anda, setelah itu download dan install Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter atau NBD Directory Submitter v1.1.0, lalu jalankan

Sebelum melakukan pengiriman, terlebih dulu siapkan email anda dan buat informasi mendetail tentang website atau blog yang akan dikirimkan. Caranya:

Pilih "Content" pada main menu sebelah kiri atas, lalu isi informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dan jangan lupa perhatikan tips atau tulisan yang ada disebelah kanan karena bisa membantu anda menyiapkan konten web yang umumnya bisa diterima sebagian besar web direktori

Setelah selesai, klik Add... setelah itu pada main menu klik "Submit", lalu pada bagian bawah pilih "Title (Judul)" yang baru saja anda buat...

Langkah selanjutnya, tinggal mengirimkannya pada website-website direktori di sebelah kanan, pilih nama websitenya lalu tekan tombol submit

*Kalau tool Directory submmiter ini menampilkan notifikasi lewat jendela pop-up seperti "Category selection need verification!" menandakan kategori website / blog yang anda pilih (saat mengisi informasi) tidak ada, anda harus memilih sendiri kategori yang telah disedia.

*setiap informasi yang berhasil dikirim pada masing-masing direktori akan disimpan (anda bisa mengeceknya pada menu "Record") selain itu umumnya membutuhkan aktifasi akun yang dikirimkan lewat email.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga strategi blogging pada artikel Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter kali ini bisa bermanfaat. Happy blogging
READ MORE - Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter

5 Kunci Sukses Menjadi Seorang Marketing

Kegiatan marketing tidak hanya terpaku pada proses bagaimana menjual produk saja, tetapi lebih kepada bagaimana sebuah produk yang kita jual dapat dikenal dan melekat kuat pada benak konsumen kita. Bahkan bisa dikatakan kegiatan marketing atau pemasaran merupakan jantung dari rangkaian aktifitas bisnis. Hal ini dikarenakan strategi pemasaran yang tepat, akan menghasilkan angka penjualan yang cepat, dengan loyalitas konsumen yang kuat. Dengan demikian dapat dipastikan bahwa penghasilan yang didapat tentunya akan semakin besar dan akan terus meningkat.
Bagi Anda yang sedang menjalankan strategi pemasaran, berikut ini kami informasikan 5 kunci sukses menjadi seorang marketing yang dapat Anda terapkan :

Kenali perilaku konsumen Anda
Sebelum menawarkan produk atau jasa ke konsumen, terlebih dahulu tentukan target pasar yang akan Anda bidik. Bisa jadi Anda membidik komunitas anak muda, khusus wanita, ataupun masyarakat umum yang berasal dari kalangan menengah atas atau kalangan menengah ke bawah. Pastikan bahwa Anda memasarkan produk atau jasa kepada target pasar yang tepat. Karena itu kenali perilaku konsumen yang Anda bidik, untuk mengetahui minat dan kebutuhan mereka.

Tingkatkan product knowledge Anda
Salah satu senjata yang harus dikuasai seorang marketing adalah product knowledge (informasi produk). Dengan mengetahui segala informasi tentang produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan, maka secara tidak langsung dapat membantu Anda untuk meyakinkan para calon konsumen. Sampaikan informasi tentang kelebihan produk, kegunaannya, kualitasnya, serta harga produk kepada calon konsumen Anda, agar mereka semakin yakin untuk memilih produk atau jasa yang Anda tawarkan.

Selalu optimis dan pantang menyerah
Kegiatan marketing memiliki tantangan dan hambatan yang cukup besar, sehingga tidak semua orang bisa bertahan dengan profesi tersebut. Di kejar-kejar dengan target perusahaan, atau mengalami penolakan dari calon konsumen merupakan salah satu tantangan kecil yang harus diterima para marketing. Karena itu usahakan untuk selalu optimis dalam melayani konsumen, dan pantang menyerah dalam setiap keadaan. Antusiasme dan semangat yang Anda tunjukan kepada calon pelanggan menjadi kunci utama kesuksesan Anda sebagai seorang marketing.

Perluas jaringan bisnis Andamarketing

Memperluas jaringan bisnis sama halnya dengan menciptakan peluang pasar. Semakin luas jaringan yang Anda miliki, maka semakin besar pula peluang yang Anda ciptakan untuk mendapatkan calon konsumen baru. Jadi, jangan pernah ragu untuk membuka jaringan baru dan perluas pengetahuan Anda untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru.

Perhatikan respon pelanggan
Terkadang setiap pelanggan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap produk atau jasa yang kita tawarkan. Bila pelanggan puas dengan produk atau jasa Anda, maka cantumkan respon tersebut sebagai bukti nyata untuk memperkuat keunggulan produk yang ditawarkan. Namun bila respon konsumen kurang memuaskan, jadikan sebagai bahan evaluasi bagi Anda untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik kedepannya.

Buatlah strategi pemasaran produk yang menarik
Terakhir, buatlah kegiatan promosi yang dapat menarik minat pelanggan. Misalnya saja dengan memberikan potongan harga, menawarkan bonus tertentu untuk pembelian diatas rata-rata, menambahkan undian berhadiah pada event-event khusus, atau mengadakan beberapa kegiatan promosi yang melibatkan konsumen sebagai pesertanya (seperti menjadi sponsor utama kegiatan sepeda gembira, jalan sehat bersama, serta acara lainnya yang bertujuan membangun loyalitas konsumen).

Setelah memahami beberapa kunci sukses dalam pemasaran produk atau jasa, selanjutnya cobalah untuk mempraktekannya langsung dalam menjalankan bisnis Anda. Mulailah dari yang mudah, mulailah dari yang kecil, dan mulailah dari sekarang !!! Salam sukses.

Sumber gambar : http://joe-slavin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/new-product-marketing-plan-gragh1.jpg dan http://websitedesignph.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/successful-marketing.png
READ MORE - 5 Kunci Sukses Menjadi Seorang Marketing

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Breaking News: Mom makes $379/day Working From Home

SUN VALLEY, Idaho - Is working from home the next gold rush?

For Katie Jenkins it sure is. Katie, a mother from Orlando, Florida is thriving, in the middle of an economic recession working in the comfort of her own home.

"I earn on average about $25 for every link I post on Google and I make around $8,700 a month right now" says Jenkins.

But Katie’s life wasn’t always so prosperous. Her recent employer, a well-known insurance agency, did some downsizing and let her go.

Her husband James now became their only source of income, which they both knew they couldn’t live on. That is why Katie took the job at the insurance agency to begin with. They needed extra money and they needed it fast.

Katie’s family had 2 choices. She could either look for another job in her industry (but in these tough economic times, she knew that was a long shot.) Or her husband could take night classes and try to get a promotion at work. But that too would take too much time. And where would they get the money for school?

Katie says, “I was in tears one Saturday night because things were getting tough and we couldn’t even afford to take the kids out to dinner like we do every Saturday night. The kids asked why we weren’t going out and we had to try and explain to them that times were tough. I don’t think they understood. That’s when I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and find a solution for my family.”

That’s when Katie found an advert for Home Wealth Solution.

"I read the ad, and at first I was skeptical because they said you will get paid over $300 a day and that seemed like a lot of money to me. But I suspended my disbelief and got started."

She started making money right away and she got her first week’s paycheck of $2,100.

“This was more money than I used to make in a month,” Katie adds.

Home Wealth Solution is a risk free course that can teach anyone, regardless of computer skill level to start making money online.

For those who have seen the “make money online scams” Katie warns that, while they do exist, Home Wealth Solution is one of the only ones she found that is backed and uses a $billion dollar publicly traded company, like Google.

Katie shared her tips for how she got started. Following the simple steps below is all you need to do to get started:

Step 1: Go to Home Wealth Solution, fill out the basic form to see if they have positions available in your area.

Step 2: Follow the directions on Home Wealth Solution that shows you how to and set up a Google account. Then they will give you the website links to post. Start posting those website links. The system tracks everything.

"I really hope people take advantage of this, its good to finally see someone using a large company to make money online and help people like me" says Jenkins

Associated Links:
Home Wealth Solution official site
READ MORE - Breaking News: Mom makes $379/day Working From Home

Senin, 13 Juni 2011


Cara Membuat Script Iklan. Hehe script iklan manual maksudnya buatan sendiri. Jadinya iklan-iklanan biar kayak iklan beneran. Iklan-iklanan banyak gunanya juga, bisa dimanfaatin masang link blog kita yang laen, jualan link, juga mempercantik tampilan blog agar kayak professional. Hihihi. Nah langsung aja tampilannya seperti di bawah ini

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

What or Who is Na Pohybel Janas

After seeing this term at the top of google search last week, via breakout mode, I wondered what it was, but didn't think much of it. I thought maybe it was some type of video game. But the past couple of days I noticed there were a lot of searches on the phrase "What is Na Pohybel Janas"? That striked my interest a little. I know it's died down a little, but I decided to research it none the less because not one place did I find a direct answer to this mystery search. Many began to fear maybe a virus, or some plot of a terrorist attack, or something along those lines. Here is everything I found.

Through online translation tools, the best I could come up with, meaning most of the attempts simply changed "Na" to a "go" or "the" or "end", was a translation from Polish to English in which it translated into "Destruction of the Janas" . Interesting, so what does Janas? I found that Janas has a few possibilities, one being as a term of endearment of sorts, such as "cute" or "dear", beauty" and "beautiful" I also found. Others described it as an idiom. I found that Janas is a female name that in Czechoslovakian, Polish, and Dutch means "God's Gracious Gift" and in Arabic it means "Harvest of Fruit". Since I found the almost full translation of "Na Pohybel Janas" in Polish, maybe I can use the Polish meaning of Janas to fill in the rest??? A literal translation in that case would be, "Destruction of God's Gracious Gift". Or maybe half Polish, half Arabic....."Destruction of the Harvest of Fruit". Does that mean a woman is become barren, or fertile lol....I don't know. Even still, this isn't a deifinitive answer. So I took this a step farther. I did a Google search of translated pages to English to see how other languages translated this mysterious phenomenal phrase.

From http://vertvenvivogratis.blogspot.com, was this insert...
"The Internet is a means of Info and a means of disinformation as a couple of days, we tried to find the reason why one of the main keyword is the phrase na pohynel Janas, and has already been attributed to the Israeli group to a virus and a terrorist plot, this news would not be anything special if one of the main regions where this phrase is one of the most wanted is Latin America where very few people if not anyone know that it is na pohybel janas."

2. From another blog, I gathered that Na Pohybel Janas is a Indonesian or Slavic singer, or band.

3. Na Pohybel Janas, according to a french blogger, is an exotic animal, or a slavic minister, and there is a youtube video of this song, "Na Pohybel Janas" that was being sung in tribute to "him"

I actually did find the youtube video, and it is in fact a band with a girl singing in a language I don't understand, possibly slavic. She supposedly is very popular wherever she originates from and the song is titled none other than..."Na Pohybel Janas".

Na Pohybel Janas, the Youtube Video
With all the information I found, and a lot that I didn't find about Na Pohybel Janas, the overall results tend to lean more to the idea that it is a either a Group, or a song the group sings called Na Pohybel Janas, and whatever the literal translation is, I know it is most likely Polish or Czech, as is the singer in the video above. This is said most of all, to have been an attempt to further popularize this singer and her band. In any case, they have succeeded. I just hope the girl really can sing.

If you looked this up and actually found something of more relevance on this topic, please share because I'm interested.
READ MORE - What or Who is Na Pohybel Janas