Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Mama Abdel | Foto Syur Mama Abdel

Mama Abdel | Foto Syur Mama Abdel. Hmm, kalau kalian suka dengan film komedi tentu ngerti dunk komedi yang berjudul Abdel dan Temon. Di film itu ada sosok Mama Abdel yang dalam perannya ia bersikap sok manja dan kegenitan. Pasti ingat kan. Nah menurut sumber media online yang saya dapat nech, Foto Syur Mama Abdel sekarang telah beredar luas di dunia maya. Ini dia nech hasil penelusura Mama Abdel mengenai beredarnya Foto Syur Mama Abdel.

Dengan beredarnya kabar tersebut, maka dunia maya kini kembali bergejolak dan bergemuruh. Banyak yang mencari Foto Syur Mama Abdel ini di situs jejaring sosial seperti di FB, Twitter, maupun di situs situs yang tersedia seperti salah satunya disini. Dan tidak hanya itu saja, profil maupun biodata lengkap pemeran Mama Abdel ini pun banyak dicari di dunia online. Pencariannya pun ga kalah gempar dengan pencarian Lagu Believe Justin Bieber yang merupakan single terbarunya Bieber. Nama asli Mama Abdel ini sendiri adalah Novita.

Buat para penggemar film Abdel dan Temon tentunya penasaran kan dengan kabar Foto Syur Mama Abdel ini. Buat yang pengen tau Foto nya, tuch diatas artikel ini ada beberapa contohnya. Itu hanya beberapa lho. Masih banyak lagi selain dari yang penulis berikan. Kalau diperhatikan lagi, Mama Abdel ini ternyata ga tua tua amat ya. Body nya juga masih kenceng gan, seperti yang ada di situs Indonesian Girl Only.
READ MORE - Mama Abdel | Foto Syur Mama Abdel

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

wow heboh

READ MORE - wow heboh

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

How to Get Visitors from the U.S. (United States)

Well folks, the first writings pertaining to the world of blogging's is about how to get traffic or visitors from the Americas, or any other premium countries such as Canada, and other European countries.

Quite simple simple alias you know. Oiya, before I assert here that the traffic comes from search engines you know. If the ad mah emang easy, just advertise on the site berpengunjung ajah of the U.S., Canada, and others .. Importantly siapin wrote his capital to pay for advertising. :-)

How do our blogs to be visited by Americans? Look, I love deh first clue.
- Your post about Video Jojo and Shinta snail poison, whether to a lot of people are looking Amrik about that topic?
- You may also post about Ariel and Luna Maya, whether Americans are it will be many who are looking for?
- Your post about Indonesian Idol, is also a lot of Americans are looking for this info?

I am sure, although there are, but only slightly, and even then most people in Indonesia who live in sonoh ..

Although it was written in English, I'm sure would be futile to expect visitors from the U.S..

So, basically, if you want to get a visitor from America who came from search engines, blogs or websites then you should discuss the information that is happening in America, and must be written in Bahasa. How do I know something ngetrend in America? Easy enough just to know if any house, open ajah There will be seen what keywords are again hot on the sono.

But, if you use ituh way, so be prepared to compete with the masters. Because the use it is the master and usually use autoblog plugin, so they automatically create a blog post by using keywords that were there .. hehehe ... Want to compete?

So, if you are diligent to read and read the article Classic. Better often go to news sites was the United States, including New York Times, etc.. Indonesia reply in his house like,, and others. Once familiar with the culture, information, and daily news on the U.S., then with reference to the article on the site, you can make your own homemade article, or a few edits's you ..

Hopefully you got the idea after reading this article ..
READ MORE - How to Get Visitors from the U.S. (United States)

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

All I Have For You

Ringkasan ini tidak tersedia. Harap klik di sini untuk melihat postingan.
READ MORE - All I Have For You

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter

Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter ini merupakan besutan dari yang tentu saja memiliki fungsi untuk mengirimkan blog anda ke sekitar 200 free directory blog yang tanpa membutuhkan link balik dari blog anda. Lebih lanjut tentang free semi automatic directory submitter bisa anda lihat dibawah ini:

Fitur Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter
- Mengelola informasi website
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Pastikan NET Framework 1.1 sudah terinstall di komputer anda, setelah itu download dan install Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter atau NBD Directory Submitter v1.1.0, lalu jalankan

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Pilih "Content" pada main menu sebelah kiri atas, lalu isi informasi-informasi yang diperlukan dan jangan lupa perhatikan tips atau tulisan yang ada disebelah kanan karena bisa membantu anda menyiapkan konten web yang umumnya bisa diterima sebagian besar web direktori

Setelah selesai, klik Add... setelah itu pada main menu klik "Submit", lalu pada bagian bawah pilih "Title (Judul)" yang baru saja anda buat...

Langkah selanjutnya, tinggal mengirimkannya pada website-website direktori di sebelah kanan, pilih nama websitenya lalu tekan tombol submit

*Kalau tool Directory submmiter ini menampilkan notifikasi lewat jendela pop-up seperti "Category selection need verification!" menandakan kategori website / blog yang anda pilih (saat mengisi informasi) tidak ada, anda harus memilih sendiri kategori yang telah disedia.

*setiap informasi yang berhasil dikirim pada masing-masing direktori akan disimpan (anda bisa mengeceknya pada menu "Record") selain itu umumnya membutuhkan aktifasi akun yang dikirimkan lewat email.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga strategi blogging pada artikel Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter kali ini bisa bermanfaat. Happy blogging
READ MORE - Free Semi Automatic Directory Submitter

5 Kunci Sukses Menjadi Seorang Marketing

Kegiatan marketing tidak hanya terpaku pada proses bagaimana menjual produk saja, tetapi lebih kepada bagaimana sebuah produk yang kita jual dapat dikenal dan melekat kuat pada benak konsumen kita. Bahkan bisa dikatakan kegiatan marketing atau pemasaran merupakan jantung dari rangkaian aktifitas bisnis. Hal ini dikarenakan strategi pemasaran yang tepat, akan menghasilkan angka penjualan yang cepat, dengan loyalitas konsumen yang kuat. Dengan demikian dapat dipastikan bahwa penghasilan yang didapat tentunya akan semakin besar dan akan terus meningkat.
Bagi Anda yang sedang menjalankan strategi pemasaran, berikut ini kami informasikan 5 kunci sukses menjadi seorang marketing yang dapat Anda terapkan :

Kenali perilaku konsumen Anda
Sebelum menawarkan produk atau jasa ke konsumen, terlebih dahulu tentukan target pasar yang akan Anda bidik. Bisa jadi Anda membidik komunitas anak muda, khusus wanita, ataupun masyarakat umum yang berasal dari kalangan menengah atas atau kalangan menengah ke bawah. Pastikan bahwa Anda memasarkan produk atau jasa kepada target pasar yang tepat. Karena itu kenali perilaku konsumen yang Anda bidik, untuk mengetahui minat dan kebutuhan mereka.

Tingkatkan product knowledge Anda
Salah satu senjata yang harus dikuasai seorang marketing adalah product knowledge (informasi produk). Dengan mengetahui segala informasi tentang produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan, maka secara tidak langsung dapat membantu Anda untuk meyakinkan para calon konsumen. Sampaikan informasi tentang kelebihan produk, kegunaannya, kualitasnya, serta harga produk kepada calon konsumen Anda, agar mereka semakin yakin untuk memilih produk atau jasa yang Anda tawarkan.

Selalu optimis dan pantang menyerah
Kegiatan marketing memiliki tantangan dan hambatan yang cukup besar, sehingga tidak semua orang bisa bertahan dengan profesi tersebut. Di kejar-kejar dengan target perusahaan, atau mengalami penolakan dari calon konsumen merupakan salah satu tantangan kecil yang harus diterima para marketing. Karena itu usahakan untuk selalu optimis dalam melayani konsumen, dan pantang menyerah dalam setiap keadaan. Antusiasme dan semangat yang Anda tunjukan kepada calon pelanggan menjadi kunci utama kesuksesan Anda sebagai seorang marketing.

Perluas jaringan bisnis Andamarketing

Memperluas jaringan bisnis sama halnya dengan menciptakan peluang pasar. Semakin luas jaringan yang Anda miliki, maka semakin besar pula peluang yang Anda ciptakan untuk mendapatkan calon konsumen baru. Jadi, jangan pernah ragu untuk membuka jaringan baru dan perluas pengetahuan Anda untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru.

Perhatikan respon pelanggan
Terkadang setiap pelanggan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap produk atau jasa yang kita tawarkan. Bila pelanggan puas dengan produk atau jasa Anda, maka cantumkan respon tersebut sebagai bukti nyata untuk memperkuat keunggulan produk yang ditawarkan. Namun bila respon konsumen kurang memuaskan, jadikan sebagai bahan evaluasi bagi Anda untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih baik kedepannya.

Buatlah strategi pemasaran produk yang menarik
Terakhir, buatlah kegiatan promosi yang dapat menarik minat pelanggan. Misalnya saja dengan memberikan potongan harga, menawarkan bonus tertentu untuk pembelian diatas rata-rata, menambahkan undian berhadiah pada event-event khusus, atau mengadakan beberapa kegiatan promosi yang melibatkan konsumen sebagai pesertanya (seperti menjadi sponsor utama kegiatan sepeda gembira, jalan sehat bersama, serta acara lainnya yang bertujuan membangun loyalitas konsumen).

Setelah memahami beberapa kunci sukses dalam pemasaran produk atau jasa, selanjutnya cobalah untuk mempraktekannya langsung dalam menjalankan bisnis Anda. Mulailah dari yang mudah, mulailah dari yang kecil, dan mulailah dari sekarang !!! Salam sukses.

Sumber gambar : dan
READ MORE - 5 Kunci Sukses Menjadi Seorang Marketing

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Breaking News: Mom makes $379/day Working From Home

SUN VALLEY, Idaho - Is working from home the next gold rush?

For Katie Jenkins it sure is. Katie, a mother from Orlando, Florida is thriving, in the middle of an economic recession working in the comfort of her own home.

"I earn on average about $25 for every link I post on Google and I make around $8,700 a month right now" says Jenkins.

But Katie’s life wasn’t always so prosperous. Her recent employer, a well-known insurance agency, did some downsizing and let her go.

Her husband James now became their only source of income, which they both knew they couldn’t live on. That is why Katie took the job at the insurance agency to begin with. They needed extra money and they needed it fast.

Katie’s family had 2 choices. She could either look for another job in her industry (but in these tough economic times, she knew that was a long shot.) Or her husband could take night classes and try to get a promotion at work. But that too would take too much time. And where would they get the money for school?

Katie says, “I was in tears one Saturday night because things were getting tough and we couldn’t even afford to take the kids out to dinner like we do every Saturday night. The kids asked why we weren’t going out and we had to try and explain to them that times were tough. I don’t think they understood. That’s when I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and find a solution for my family.”

That’s when Katie found an advert for Home Wealth Solution.

"I read the ad, and at first I was skeptical because they said you will get paid over $300 a day and that seemed like a lot of money to me. But I suspended my disbelief and got started."

She started making money right away and she got her first week’s paycheck of $2,100.

“This was more money than I used to make in a month,” Katie adds.

Home Wealth Solution is a risk free course that can teach anyone, regardless of computer skill level to start making money online.

For those who have seen the “make money online scams” Katie warns that, while they do exist, Home Wealth Solution is one of the only ones she found that is backed and uses a $billion dollar publicly traded company, like Google.

Katie shared her tips for how she got started. Following the simple steps below is all you need to do to get started:

Step 1: Go to Home Wealth Solution, fill out the basic form to see if they have positions available in your area.

Step 2: Follow the directions on Home Wealth Solution that shows you how to and set up a Google account. Then they will give you the website links to post. Start posting those website links. The system tracks everything.

"I really hope people take advantage of this, its good to finally see someone using a large company to make money online and help people like me" says Jenkins

Associated Links:
Home Wealth Solution official site
READ MORE - Breaking News: Mom makes $379/day Working From Home

Senin, 13 Juni 2011


Cara Membuat Script Iklan. Hehe script iklan manual maksudnya buatan sendiri. Jadinya iklan-iklanan biar kayak iklan beneran. Iklan-iklanan banyak gunanya juga, bisa dimanfaatin masang link blog kita yang laen, jualan link, juga mempercantik tampilan blog agar kayak professional. Hihihi. Nah langsung aja tampilannya seperti di bawah ini

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

What or Who is Na Pohybel Janas

After seeing this term at the top of google search last week, via breakout mode, I wondered what it was, but didn't think much of it. I thought maybe it was some type of video game. But the past couple of days I noticed there were a lot of searches on the phrase "What is Na Pohybel Janas"? That striked my interest a little. I know it's died down a little, but I decided to research it none the less because not one place did I find a direct answer to this mystery search. Many began to fear maybe a virus, or some plot of a terrorist attack, or something along those lines. Here is everything I found.

Through online translation tools, the best I could come up with, meaning most of the attempts simply changed "Na" to a "go" or "the" or "end", was a translation from Polish to English in which it translated into "Destruction of the Janas" . Interesting, so what does Janas? I found that Janas has a few possibilities, one being as a term of endearment of sorts, such as "cute" or "dear", beauty" and "beautiful" I also found. Others described it as an idiom. I found that Janas is a female name that in Czechoslovakian, Polish, and Dutch means "God's Gracious Gift" and in Arabic it means "Harvest of Fruit". Since I found the almost full translation of "Na Pohybel Janas" in Polish, maybe I can use the Polish meaning of Janas to fill in the rest??? A literal translation in that case would be, "Destruction of God's Gracious Gift". Or maybe half Polish, half Arabic....."Destruction of the Harvest of Fruit". Does that mean a woman is become barren, or fertile lol....I don't know. Even still, this isn't a deifinitive answer. So I took this a step farther. I did a Google search of translated pages to English to see how other languages translated this mysterious phenomenal phrase.

From, was this insert...
"The Internet is a means of Info and a means of disinformation as a couple of days, we tried to find the reason why one of the main keyword is the phrase na pohynel Janas, and has already been attributed to the Israeli group to a virus and a terrorist plot, this news would not be anything special if one of the main regions where this phrase is one of the most wanted is Latin America where very few people if not anyone know that it is na pohybel janas."

2. From another blog, I gathered that Na Pohybel Janas is a Indonesian or Slavic singer, or band.

3. Na Pohybel Janas, according to a french blogger, is an exotic animal, or a slavic minister, and there is a youtube video of this song, "Na Pohybel Janas" that was being sung in tribute to "him"

I actually did find the youtube video, and it is in fact a band with a girl singing in a language I don't understand, possibly slavic. She supposedly is very popular wherever she originates from and the song is titled none other than..."Na Pohybel Janas".

Na Pohybel Janas, the Youtube Video
With all the information I found, and a lot that I didn't find about Na Pohybel Janas, the overall results tend to lean more to the idea that it is a either a Group, or a song the group sings called Na Pohybel Janas, and whatever the literal translation is, I know it is most likely Polish or Czech, as is the singer in the video above. This is said most of all, to have been an attempt to further popularize this singer and her band. In any case, they have succeeded. I just hope the girl really can sing.

If you looked this up and actually found something of more relevance on this topic, please share because I'm interested.
READ MORE - What or Who is Na Pohybel Janas

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Assange Condemns Facebook As Spy Machine

NextWeb, Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 10:26 AM

Though it's unlikely to deter users or advertisers in the short term, Julian Assange is railing against Facebook as the "most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented." The Wikileaks founder made the comments to Russia Today as he awaits extradition to Sweden on sexual assault charges.

"According to Assange," notes The Next Web, "it doesn't stop with Facebook. He believes the social network is joined by Google, Yahoo and other major US organizations that have 'built in interfaces for US Intelligence.'" Said Assange: "It's not a matter of serving a subpoena, they have an interface they have developed for US Intelligence to use. Now, is the case that Facebook is run by US Intelligence? No, it's not like that. It's simply that US Intelligence is able to bring to bear legal and political pressure to them."

The Wikileaks founder goes on to warns Facebook users that if they add their friend to Facebook they are "doing free work for US Intelligence agencies, in building this electronic database for them.
READ MORE - Assange Condemns Facebook As Spy Machine

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Finding Bin Laden: Good Luck Cutting That Cord

Advertisement No doubt the media world will be abuzz today over last night's release from Nielsen showing that the number of households with TVs in the U.S. has declined for the first time ever. MediaPost's editor in chief covers the startling news extensively today.

TV penetration of U.S. households fell about two percentage points. Although the temptation is to blame the mythical "cord cutting" phenomenon on this new trajectory, recession and the shift to digital broadcasting may have more to do with it than people leaving TV connections behind.

Nielsen cites the increased availability of multiplatform entry-points to TV or video content, including mobile. But anyone hoping to leverage their mobile connections as a way to cut the cord will have a long way to go.

During a weekend of massive news stories (from the royal wedding to the death of bin Laden) a lot of us were trying to stay connected by mobile. If you were looking for an easy way to get timely video news updates, however, the platform was really not ready for prime-time, TV-like newsgathering.

As there have been for years, we do have live TV feeds available from companies like MobiTV ($10 a month). Sports nuts do have ESPN's new WatchESPN set of live programming. But we are not even close to the point where mobile users can expect to use their mobile handset s as a reliable portal into the latest news in video form.

Personally, I am not that far away from realistically cutting the rod, because I mainly rely on live TV for news now. I don't watch many regularly scheduled TV shows any more, and the ones I do - "Mad Men," "60 Minutes," "Masterpiece Theater" -- are often available to me in some on demand form even on mobile shortly after their air time. The "60 Minutes" and PBS apps for iPad are indispensible for me now, and "Mad Men" can be purchased the next morning on iTunes. If I can find video news on mobile that is truly timely, either live or on demand, then I am that much closer to ditching the cable box.

Good luck with my mobile video news quest. Let's just stick with the apps. If I am trying to cut the cord on news, going to the apps from major TV networks is a frustrating exercise. To be sure, ABC, CBS and Fox all have apps that deliver news stories in a timely way. But if you are after the video experience, then things get frustrating. In CBS News you will find videos only if you scroll down to the bottom of individual topic verticals like U.S. News or specific stories like the royal wedding. The video stories are not time-stamped in an obvious way, so it is not clear how fresh they are. You can find the time stamp once you stop the video, however. To its credit, CBS has clips from its most recent on-air programming fed into the system within a few hours. By 10 a.m., for instance, I am seeing pieces from the CBS morning show. All good, but we need more.

ABC News's iPhone app is entirely hit or miss as a video experience. Drill into a topic like the royal wedding and you are likely to find a number of stories with the telltale play button attached. Why there isn't a bin Laden tab even a day after his death is anyone's guess. But again, there is no time-stamping to indicate story freshness. I emphasize this timeliness because I find myself coming to mobile apps looking for quick news video turnaround. I am hoping to use it as a more efficient way to access news updates than turning on the big screen.

Fox News has an iOS app that actually includes a dedicated video channel. But like the network itself, there is a such a mashup of straight news and highlights from last night's conservative prime-time partisan programming that I can't rely on it for news.

CNN's iOS app comes closest to the kind of mobile TV news alternative I have in mind. They refresh the video vertical in the app regularly, although it still is unclear when stories make it into this mix and in what order.

For newshounds, however, what we really need is a straightforward feed of news updates in some kind of chronological order. There is a tendency for the video-oriented news apps to overwhelm us with choice. This certainly is true with iPad iterations of ABC and CBS News, which offer us respectively a confusing globe or a wall of thumbnails. Again, chronology takes a back seat to pushing forward individual show brands and clips that may or may not be fresh.

Perhaps my video news needs are idiosyncratic and not shared by others who find themselves unplugged from their TVs but wanting a video fix that is reliably current.

The most reliable feed of video news for me remains video podcasting. I know that every Monday morning I can download the Sunday morning talk shows and watch them at my leisure throughout the week on my iPhone or iPad. I know that by 10 a.m. every morning (workout time), I can download MSNBC's first hour of "Morning Joe" in order to get a look at all of the news I ignored overnight and in the first four or so hours of my workday.

As more TV assets move to on demand Web and mobile platforms, news may become the last thread that keeps many of us tethered to our TV sets. As we move to mobile sources, however, familiar TV news brands need to anticipate how news gatherers want to harvest breaking-news video.

by Steve Smith , Tuesday, May 3, 2011
READ MORE - Finding Bin Laden: Good Luck Cutting That Cord

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Stupid PR Tricks: The Facebook-Google Edition by Erik Sass

Oh, such hilarity. Where to start? The total lack of common sense? The failure to think strategically? The hypocrisy?

Facebook's PR debacle of last week -- when it was revealed it hired PR firm Burson-Marsteller to plant negative stories about Google in the press -- was ridiculous, incompetent, malicious, and all-too-plausible. Despite their careful attempts to cultivate laid-back images, both companies have a fiercely competitive streak and rightly view managing public opinion as key to their long-term success. So why wouldn't they talk trash about each other, including furtive campaigns to seed negative publicity in the press?

Of course it's all in the execution, and here Facebook's ham-handed blundering obviously left much to be desired. The subject line of one email pitch read: "GOOGLE QUIETLY LAUNCHES SWEEPING VIOLATION OF USER PRIVACY!" And this email was blasted to journalists and bloggers more or less indiscriminately. Subtle and smart! Indeed, far from signaling that Facebook has become a "buttoned-up" traditional corporate player, as some have written, I think the PR contretemps shows just how unsophisticated the company still is. And without appearing to support this kind of negative PR campaign, I will say if you're going to do it, it requires a much more careful approach.

As a reporter I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have received a formal, official "poison pen" PR pitch -- meaning, a pitch (accompanied by a release or fact sheet) that is solely and specifically intended to do harm to some client's competitor. I'm not sure how other reporters feel about them, but I will say that in my case they immediately arouse suspicion for all the reasons you might expect: who's behind this? What are they hoping to gain? Are any of these accusations substantiated? And then there's the natural aversion to the idea of someone attempting to manipulate you from behind the scenes.

All of which is to say: I think the reason I don't receive many "poison pen" PR pitches is because they are usually a bad idea. Again, I don't want to appear to be encouraging negative PR campaigns, but it seems to me that a (much) wiser approach would have been identifying a few trustworthy journalists or bloggers with whom Facebook's bosses already have a relationship, and then pitching them the story about Google's alleged privacy violations informally, in person -- leaving no email paper trail. A couple placements would be enough: the same story appearing in too many different places simultaneously would naturally arouse suspicion. Meanwhile if the story is sufficiently compelling it will spread of its own accord... probably through Facebook!

The fact that Facebook went about this silly plan in such an obtuse fashion leads me to conclude that they still have a terrible tin ear for public relations, which is hilariously ironic for the world's largest social media company. And part of me wonders: is the reason they didn't try informal pitches to journalists (with whom they have relationships) simply because there aren't any -- meaning, they haven't bothered to cultivate trusted contacts in the press? My impression from talking to other journalists is that Facebook is a pretty tight-lipped, not to say secretive, institution. Which is their prerogative... but which also recommends more caution with these kinds of shenanigans.

Monday, May 16, 2011, 3:58 PM
READ MORE - Stupid PR Tricks: The Facebook-Google Edition by Erik Sass

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Will Relocate, AZ
Social media marketing pro specializing in social media marketing campaigns, eCommerce solutions, brand development initiatives, public relations, community management and digital content production and publication. Products: * Social Network Profiles & Fan Pages * Blogs * Niche Social Networks * Static Websites * Portal Sites * eCommerce solutions * Online Community Forums * eMail/Newsletter Campaigns * Event Planning & Production * Website Analytics & SEO * Affiliate Marketing * Strategic Alliance Management * Business Development Specialized Experience: * Networking - Power Networker represented on over 200 Social Networks, Bookmarking and Syndicated Blogs. * eCommerce - Ten years internet sales experience, eBay Powerseller, Amazon, CafePress, MSN. CC Bill & PayPal business partner, affiliate marketing and proprietary shopping cart administration. * Social Network Development - Early developer of social networks, discussion forums, Usenet groups and BBS chat rooms. * Blogging - 10+ Years experienced blogger with over 20 blogs on mixed major platforms in syndication. * Packet Aggregation - Early adopter of this journalistic style which is the process of joining multiple packets together into a single transmission unit, in order to reduce the overhead associated with each transmission. * Strategic Alliance Building - Experienced in propagating formal relationships between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need. * Event Planning & Production - Experienced event planner and producer of specialty events such as trade shows, seminars, concerts, educational events, awards shows, and political fund raisers. * Media Relations - Experienced media relations work with broadcast, print and digital media broadcasters and publishers. Press release writing, editing and distribution along multiple channels. Contact: Stephen G. Barr

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

How to Avoid Trouble

While planning your website promotion strategy, it is wise to remember that the search engines are very capable of sniffing out when someone is trying to trick or deceive them. A certain road to disaster is to consciously try to fool search engines into giving you a better listing. While this may work for a short period of time, invariably the scheme is found out and the offending site is severely penalized or even banned altogether. Most of us are not, however, intentionally engaged in trying to scam search engines. Even so, there are mistakes that an honest user can make which are nonetheless interpreted as intentional and malicious behavior. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure that you will never be penalized or banned by the search engines.

First and most important, don’t over-submit your site. The search engines each have their own procedures and lead times for adding new sites to their indices. Some may immediately add you while others may take months to list your site, so be patient. They are happy to accept your submission because it adds to the resources they can offer to their users. But submitting your site to them repeatedly in an attempt to get their attention will only get you penalized or banned. Generally, a submission once a month to each of the search engines and directories on your list is sufficient. Some link pages may allow you to submit more frequently. Using AddWeb 5 to automate your submissions is an excellent way to make sure that you never over-submit. AddWeb 5’s AISubmit automatically checks how frequently you can submit and will not let you over-submit your site. Another way that well-intentioned users get into trouble is by submitting too many pages at once.

In most cases, it is only necessary to submit the URL of your home page. Search engine spiders are then sent to crawl through the site to examine the links and other content of the site. While there are certain search engines that will allow you to submit as many pages of your site as you like, the majority do not. Any pages submitted beyond the home page or doorway will be interpreted as submission “Spam,” and will promptly get you penalized or banned. Submit only your homepage or doorway page. However, as a side note, never submit a doorway page to Yahoo!™. Each site submitted to Yahoo!™ is reviewed by a breathing human being. This is yet another reason not to try to deceive the search engines.

Some ways of trying to deceive engines have become commonplace. One such tactic is to endlessly repeat keywords over and over again on the home page text, then trying to hide it by making it the same color as the page background. There was a time when this was a commonly used tactic, and it may have worked for a while. However, the search engines caught on and they now know how to detect obvious deception such as this. Don’t try this because it will get you penalized or banned. The same will be true for any new tactics that surface and try to subvert search engine analysis methods. Some unethical webmasters have resorted to using meta-keywords in their sites that have no relevance whatsoever to their actual content. This is highly misguided and has potentially drastic consequences for the engines that are trying to return relevant results on a query. Guerilla tactics like this might work for a short time but the search engines will catch on and you will be penalized or worse. Remember that many search engines share common indices of listings. If you get your site banned on one of these engines, chances are that you will be banned on several engines at once.

Other elements of your website can cause you trouble if you’re not careful. Some web sites still use a “Frames” format. Frames may look nice, and they can help novices to organize their sites, but they are devastating to your site’s ability to get a good position in a search engine index. Most search engine spiders simply cannot make sense of frames-based pages and therefore make a well-intentioned but frequently useless attempt at trying to determine what the website is about. The consequence is that the site usually is not indexed at all or it is indexed at such a poor position that no one will ever see it. If you must use a frames-based website, be sure to build a doorway page that has no frames in it. You can use AddWeb 5’s Page Builder Plus to do this for you.

By building your page with a little forethought, you can avoid any pitfalls and should be safe from any conflicts with the search engines. Make sure that after using Page Builder Plus, you let Page Advisor analyze your page to detect if there is anything that could cause trouble with a search engine. If you follow these simple steps, not only will you avoid being banned by search engines, but you should also start to see your position rising to the top!


AddWeb Article- Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002
Cyberspace Headquarters, LLC. All rights reserved.
READ MORE - How to Avoid Trouble

Understanding SiteStats Live!

While a hit counter may tell you how many people come to your website, SiteStats Live! can tell you where they came from, how they found your site, and how much their visit cost you. Like all valuable information, it must first be interpreted and understood before it can be used effectively. The SiteStats Live! reports offer exhaustive details about your visitors, but it is up to you to take advantage of what they has to offer.

Several areas of SiteStats Live! refer to something called "click value". This concept can help you maximize the profitability of your website. There are two ways that click value is used: positive cash flow and negative cash flow. When examining the positive cash flow generated through click value, you divide the revenue your website generates by the number of hits your site receives each month. For example, if you had $10,000 profit each month from your website, and you receive 1000 visitors in a month, $10,000 ÷ 1000 visitors = $10.00 per visitor. Theoretically then, each visitor you get to your website generates $10.00 for you. Calculating and understanding negative cash flow is a little more complex, and has to do with banner ads and CPM, or clicks-per-mil. CPM is used to represent 1000 page views of a particular banner. So, if you would like to have your banner viewed 100,000 times--that would be 100 CPM (100,000 ÷ 1000). Let us assume that you are paying $50.00 per CPM. The total cost of the banner would be $5,000 ($50 x 100 CPM). Once all of your CPMs have been 'used up', you will know how many of those one hundred thousand people who saw your banner actually visited your site. If you divide the cost of your banner by the number of visitors, you can determine how much each of those visitors cost you. If you had 10,000 visitors click on your banner, then each of those visitors would have cost you $0.50 ($5,000 ÷ $10,000). You can compare the positive cash flow number and the negative cash flow number to see how everything fits together. If each visitor to your site produces $10 for you, but costs $0.50, then your actual revenue from the website is only $9,500. In comparison, getting listed on most search engines is free, and the listings usually generate more traffic than a banner.

Click value is a powerful tool when you combine it with keyword statistics. In the Search Engine Keyword Report, SiteStats Live! offers a comprehensive list of which keywords web surfers use to find your site. You can assign a click value to each of those visitors, and quickly figure out which keywords work best and how much money the search engines are sending to you. You should examine the keywords bringing you the most traffic. You might consider focusing your pages more on these keywords. There might even be keywords people use that you thought had nothing to do with your site. If you find that many people are using these keywords to find you, consider adding those keywords to your next doorway page, or giving them more importance on your page if they already exist. You may also find that several keywords which bring traffic to your site are often misspelled. It may sound strange, but adding these misspelled keywords to your page may increase your position for those web surfers who misspell them.

The Page View Summary Report is a general overview of the number of visitors to your site since your SiteStats Live! account has been active. It is far more useful however than a simple hit counter. It can tell you how many people have been to your site in the last day, week, month, year and so on. It can even tell you which day has seen the most traffic. The Page View Summary also calculates averages like the average number of visitors per day. If you are running any kind of advertising campaign for your website and would like to gauge the effectiveness of it, this is easy to do using this data. By combining this data with click value data you can see how much activity is happening at any given time in terms of revenue. You can also see if that banner ad or mass mailing you bought is actually generating any traffic.

The Top Referrer Visits Report displays a run-down of the websites that your visitors were visiting just before they clicked to your site. In the report, you can click on any of the domain names to view a detailed report on each visitor referred from that URL. By examining the domains that these visitors are coming from, you can determine the interests of your visitors, and to a lesser degree, what their chain of thought might have been that brought them to you. You may find that a competitor’s site was the referrer, or that you are getting many refers from a particular geographic location, such as Germany. You can use this information to help you decide on how to target your advertising efforts. Perhaps you were unaware that German web surfers were so interested in your products. You could then further explore possibilities in the German market. You might also discover that one website in particular is sending you much more traffic than any others. You can use this opportunity, and contact those webmasters and create web alliances, trade links, or banners. SiteStats Live! provides in-depth information to who, how, when, where from, and why people visit your site. You can use it all to determine how you need to tune your websites for your audience.

The data that SiteStats Live! presents is unlimited in its application. The above represents just a few of the many useful ways that you can use SiteStats Live! to increase your traffic and revenue. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination and dedication.

AddWeb Article- Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002
Cyberspace Headquarters, LLC. All rights reserved.
READ MORE - Understanding SiteStats Live!

Search Engine Spiders…

Search Engine Spiders…

Search engines need a way to examine the websites that people submit to them. Some search engines like Yahoo!™ employ people to check each website registered with them, but these are in the minority. Most other search engines use specialized software called "spiders" or "robots" to do this. Spiders help search engines deliver accurate search results by determining how relevant a website is to the phrases and keywords a web surfer uses. Spiders “crawl” through websites, analyzing text content and following hyperlinks. This information about the website is used to determine how it should be categorized and ranked. Because the spider’s functions are so critical, anything relating to the way they operate is a closely guarded secret that the search engines would prefer you not to know. It is, however, in our best interest to understand as much as we can about them, and to use that information to our advantage when designing a web page.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing your website is to see your site from a spider's point of view. A spider can only analyze text and words that are in a structured format. That is exactly why a frames-based site rarely ranks well on a search engine. The HTML for a frames site doesn't have a conventional format-- all of the content is jumbled about the page in different code sections and script excerpts, and that confuses spiders. Also, a spider needs to know right away what it should look for when it crawls your site. Using meta keywords is the best method for doing that. Otherwise, spiders will try to guess the content on your page and won't necessarily be successful -- getting ranked high for something unrelated to your site isn't helpful at all.

Descriptive and targeted meta keywords aren't the only thing search engine spiders look for. If you do use meta keywords, a spider tries to find out how relevant those keywords are for your site. For example, if your site is about recreational fishing, and you use the words fly-fishing, angling, and deep-sea fishing multiple times in your site, the spider will see your site being more relevant to those particular words than words which only appear once (for example, "commercial fishing"). Also, some spiders consider the position of a keyword to be important. If a keyword is in the page title, or in the first six lines of the page body, some search engine spiders consider that to be very significant. The "weight" of a keyword is a big factor, as well. If a keyword appears three times in a page with one thousand words, that keyword has a lower weight then if it was on a page with thirty words. Pages with heavily weighted keywords are considered more relevant to that keyword, and usually rank higher. However, it is possible to go too far and actually abuse the way a spider works.

While it is good to optimize your page, overdoing it can cause the spider to think that you are trying to fool it or spam the engine. The most common way of doing this is by using too many meta keywords. In an effort to rank their site higher, some webmasters will have an absurd amount of keywords. They'll include a meta keyword section two or three times in their page. Not only is this not effective, it is counter-productive. Something just as common is repeating a keyword over and over again on the page. Years ago it was useful to do this, but search engine spiders have advanced enough that simple tricks aren't going to fool them. Another, more devious plot, is called ghosting. When a spider accesses a site, it tells that site who it is. So, a webmaster can detect that a search engine spider is going to look at its site. Instead of serving up the normal web page that is seen in a web browser, the webmaster gives the search engine spider a specially optimized page designed to rank perfectly on that engine. While this practice may seem good for pages with a lot of dynamic content and not a lot of text, it is still abusing the purpose of spiders. The webmasters who practice ghosting aren't only misleading the search engines, but they are also misleading web surfers coming to their site expecting to find the information they are looking for, but instead find themselves at a site which they didn't want to visit. The people behind search engines are always updating their spiders, making them both more effective and better able to sniff out sneaky webmasters trying to abuse the system.

Spiders are the workers behind the scenes at the search engines. Some of them crawl through millions of websites every month. A website's success depends on cooperating with the search engines and their methods. To cooperate with the search engines, it is also important to understand how they and their spiders operate. AddWeb 5's Page Advisor is designed to help you determine what spiders are looking for when they award a page a high ranking position. Also, by comparing your website to the top three sites on an engine, you can learn what other webmasters do that give them a high position, and you can incorporate those features into your site.


AddWeb Article- Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002
Cyberspace Headquarters, LLC. All rights reserved.
READ MORE - Search Engine Spiders…

Search Engine Positioning…

Search Engine Positioning…

Search Engine Positioning, or SEP, is the process of boosting and maintaining your website’s position in the results that Internet users see when they run queries on different search engines.

There are two distinct steps you need to take in order to maximize the effectiveness of your position in a search engine listing. The first is to make key modifications to your pages in order to gain top positioning within a search engine’s index. The second is something that is commonly ignored. That position needs to be maintained. Too often, webmasters gain a great position on a search engine only to let it slip away, taking business away with it. Don’t make this mistake. This essay is written to give you a good idea of how important SEP is in bringing more people to your website.

As you probably know by now, merely being listed in a search index is not enough to bring new visitors to your website. Your website must rank at or near the top of the search results in order to collect all the traffic that search engines can produce. The first major step in positioning your site is choosing descriptive and focused meta-keywords. The importance of excellent keywords cannot be emphasized enough--you can read about keywords in the essay Keyword Importance. Once you have a list of candidates for your final meta-keywords, you can use AddWeb 5’s Page Builder Plus to quickly create a test Doorway Page for your website using the keywords of your choice. Once the doorway page has been built it is time to analyze the page using Page Advisor.

Page Advisor will analyze your new page and give you a score based on real data taken live from the Internet’s top-ranking websites. The report tells you where to make specific changes in the Doorway Page based on what the analysis finds. For example, the analysis might tell you to include a longer or shorter title. It may also tell you that there are not enough instances of the chosen keywords in your page. Or you may need to reduce or increase the amount of description text on the page. Keep in mind that while all of these items may seem minor, they are worth checking and modifying if necessary, as they may affect your ranking position. You can then build the changes into a new Doorway Page using Page Builder Plus.

Page Advisor can now be used to analyze the new page and return a score that gives you an estimate as to how well that page is optimized for good positioning on search engines in general, or one specific engine. The importance of this second analysis cannot be underestimated. In fact, the best results come from repeated building-and-analysis, until the Doorway Page is optimized as well as possible. Once you have a page that you are happy with, you can use AddWeb 5’s AISubmit module to automatically register your new doorway page with all of the search engines you want to be listed on. The hardest part is now remaining patient as you wait for all of the indices to pick up your listing. This can take anywhere from several seconds to several months, depending on the individual search engine. Check for your ranking regularly to determine if you are listed, and if you are, where you are positioned.

If you have chosen good keywords, and followed the steps outlined above, you should have a good position near the top of the listings. Now the trick is to maintain that position. Just because you appear at the top of the search results doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to remain there. New websites appear by the second and search engines regularly change the methods they use to index them. To ensure that you maintain your position, you must first re-submit your site around once a month and check your ranking on each major search engine regularly, preferably once a week. By checking your ranking you can determine what your position is and whether it is trending upward or downward. If you are heading up over time, great, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. If your rank is spiraling downwards, or you just can’t seem to push ahead of certain competitors, its time for some more advanced work.

Take a look at the websites that have higher listings than you and note their URL’s. Go to Page Advisor and run a comparison analysis on the specific URL that is competing against you. Page Advisor’s report will show you both your stats as well as those for your competitor. You can do a side by side comparison and see exactly what your competitor has that you don't have, or what you have that your competitor doesn't. Maybe that extra keyword or those extra hyperlinks are nosing them ahead of you into Position 1--use Page Advisor to find out. Once you've got an idea of what you can do to improve your ranking, use Page Builder Plus to make the necessary changes. Check your rankings again in a week or so and look for any differences. This is a constant process that you must maintain with some vigil. Don’t let your competitors get a leg up on you by ignoring your ranking trends for too long. Maintain your position and you will get a constant, steady reward in the form of new visitors and increased traffic to your site.


AddWeb Article- Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002
Cyberspace Headquarters, LLC. All rights reserved.
READ MORE - Search Engine Positioning…

Free submition tool

AddWeb Website Promoter Pro (c) Cyberspace HQ

AddWeb 5 is a powerful program that helps anyone promote their
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READ MORE - Free submition tool